Year 6

Secondary Transfer Information

Our secondary transfer meeting will be held on the 7th October 2021.

Your Guide to Secondary Schools in Enfield_Sept22

Secondary Transfer Timetable for primary schools

Year 6 Prom

Prom King: Rheyon

Prom Queen: Evelyn

Year 6 Waffle Party


Year 6 Leavers Assembly

Year 6 Leavers Performance

To watch our Year 6 Leavers performance please click the link below. You will need to sign into your son or daughters school gmail account to access the link.

Year 6 Leavers Mass

Kingswood 2021

Year 6 Geography- Coastlines

We investigated how physical, chemical, biological weathering and erosion impact our coastline.

Year 6 Science- How does light travel?

In our science lesson, we investigated how light travels. We found that light can only travel in straight lines.

 Year 6 Interview Mrs. Williams

As part of our RE topic: Should every Christian go on a pilgrimage? Year 6 interviewed Mrs. Williams about her pilgrimage to Jerusalem in January 2020. It was an informative and inspirational afternoon. The children’s understand of this unit was greatly supported by this experience.

Parliament Week

During November, schools all across England have taken part in Parliament week. This was a great experience to find out more about the UK Parliament and what it does.

For more information visit:

Anti Bullying Week

As part of Anti-Bullying Week, 6JA have pledged to stop bullying!

Roald Dahl Day

To celebrate Roald Dahl Day, Year 6 have written character descriptions about the characters from Charlie & the Chocolate Factory.

Clay Poppies

As part of our Art and Topic work we have been looking at the work of Paul Cummins, who made the display of poppies at the Tower of London. We are going to be making our own poppies from clay so this week we have been exploring different techniques that we could use.

Global Warming and the impact

As part of our Geography unit we have been investigating Global Warming and the impact this is having on our world. We have made our own replicates of the world so we can demonstrate the impact.

Enfield Learns – Construction Challenge

Year 6 were given 30 cocktail sticks and 20 sweets. Could they make a construction that could hold a 1kg bag of sugar?

Click on the link below for this terms choice homework.

Autumn 2- Coastline Choice Homework

Year 6 Autumn 1- World War 2 Choice Homework

Click on the link below for the information from this terms Parent’s Cafe.

Parent Cafe – Year 6

Autumn 2 Unit Overviews

Home Learning – School Closure

Year 6 Lesson- Fake News Online

As we are using the internet even more to access our learning, we need to make sure we are following the online safety guidance. Make sure you take the time to read the information below.

Safe Internet Use Summary Sheet

End of year celebration letter

Complete one English and Maths booklet per day. Also access Mathletics and Purple Mash as these activities are added daily.

The links can be found on our Fun Learning for Children page.

W/C 29th June 2020
All resources Home Learning Pack – Week 5


W/C 22nd June 2020
All resources Home Learning Pack – Week 4


W/C 15th June 2020
All resources Home Learning Pack – Week 3


W/C 8th June 2020
All resources Home Learning Pack – Week 2


W/C 18th May 2020
Home Learning Packs Home Learning Packs
Additional Learning – English

Eric by Shaun Tan

Noun Phrases – Audio

Pronouns and Determiners – Audio

Year 6 Week 7 Day 1

Year 6 Week 7 Day 2

Year 6 Week 7 Day 3

Year 6 Week 7 Day 4

Year 6 Week 7 Day 5

Additional Learning – Maths

Y6 Week 7 Day 1 Y6 Week 7 Day 1_Powerpoint for Teachers

Y6 Week 7 Day 2

Y6 Week 7 Day 3

Y6 Week 7 Day 4

Y6 Week 7 Day 5


W/C 11th May 2020
Home Learning Packs Home Learning Packs
Additional Learning – English

Adverbial Powerpoint with audio

Highwayman Performance

Year 6 Week 6 Day 1

Year 6 Week 6 Day 2

Year 6 Week 6 Day 3

Year 6 Week 6 Day 4

Year 6 Week 6 Day 5

Additional Learning – Maths

Y6 Week 6 Day 1

Y6 Week 6 Day 2

Y6 Week 6 Day 3

Y6 Week 6 Day 4

Y6 Week 6 Day 4_Powerpoint for Teachers

Y6 Week 6 Day 5


W/C 4th May 2020
Home Learning Packs Home Learning Packs
Additional Learning – English

Active and Passive Voice with audio

Clauses and Conjunctions with audio

Year 6 Week 5 Day 1

Year 6 Week 5 Day 2

Year 6 Week 5 Day 3

Year 6 Week 5 Day 4

Year 6 Week 5 Day 5

Additional Learning – Maths

Y6 Week 5 Day 1

Y6 Week 5 Day 2 Y6 Week 5 Day 2_Powerpoint for Teachers

Y6 Week 5 Day 3

Y6 Week 5 Day 4 Y6 Week 5 Day 4_Powerpoint for Teachers

Y6 Week 5 Day 5


W/C 27th April 2020 Home Learning Pack
Additional Learning – English

Subjunctive Powerpoint with audio

Year 6 Week 4 Day 1

Year 6 Week 4 Day 2

Year 6 Week 4 Day 3

Year 6 Week 4 Day 4

Year 6 Week 4 Day 5

Additional Learning – Maths

Y6 Week 4 Day 1 Y6 Week 4 Day 1_Teacher Powerpoint

Y6 Week 4 Day 2

Y6 Week 4 Day 3 Y6 Week 4 Day 3_Teacher powerpoint

Y6 Week 4 Day 4

Y6 Week 4 Day 5 Y6 Week 4 Day 5_Teacher powerpoint


W/C 20th April 2020 Home Learning Time Table

Year 6 Day 1

Year 6 Day 2

Year 6 Day 3

Year 6 Day 4

Year 6 Day 5

Perfect Form Powerpoint with audio

Highwayman Performance

Punctuation Powerpoint with audio


Y6 Week 3 Day 1

Y6 Week 3 Day 2

Y6 Week 3 Day 3

Y6 Week 3 Day 4

Y6 Week 3 Day 5

Maths_Y6_Week_3_Day 1_Teacher Powerpoint

Maths Mystery Problem


W/C 30th March 2020 Week 2 Instructions

Year 6 Day 6

Year 6 Day 7

Year 6 Day 8

Year 6 Day 9

Year 6 Day 10


Wk2_Day 1_Multiply and divide 2-place decimals

Wk2_Day 2_Find fractions of amounts

Wk2_Day 3_Multiply and divide fractions

Wk2_Day 4_Short multiplication

Wk2_Day 5_Short division in problems


History- Comprehension- Florance Nightingale

History- Comprehension- Malcom X

History- Comprehension- Queen Victoria

Science- Charles Darwin Research

Science- Voyage of the Beagle


W/C 23rd March 2020
English Maths RE/Topic/Science
Monday Year 6 Day 1 Harry Potter Wk1_Day 1_Add whole numbers-Mental & Written strategies_NB 2 7-11 RE Today and NATRE home learning Easter Expert
Tuesday Year 6 Day 2 Harry Potter Wk1_Day 2_Subtract whole numbers-Mental & Written strategies_NB 2 7-11 RE Today and NATRE home learning Jesus Journey
Wednesday Year 6 Day 3 Harry Potter Wk1_Day 3_Understanding Decimals_NB 2 7-11 RE Today and NATRE home learning Spirited Arts
Thursday Year 6 Day 4 Harry Potter Wk1_Day 4_Adding Decimals_NB KS1 and 2 art activity pack (3)
Friday Year 6 Day 5 Harry Potter Wk1_Day 5_Finding a difference-decimals and change_NB 2 7-11 RE Today and NATRE home learning what is Judaism


Click on the link below to find additional Maths work – there are video’s to show the children how to solve the different math problems.

White Rose Maths – Year 6

Year 6 Water Fight

Mindfulness Event

Wednesday 30th November, Year 6 attended a Mindfulness Workshop. Joined by a number of other primary and secondary schools, we watched a video made by local schools about the impact of mental well being and how we can help manage this better, especially with our move to secondary school. We were then split into two groups where we completed different activities about helping to improve our mental health.

Mr Numbervator

Today Year 5 and 6 had an assembly lead by Mr Numbervator. Throughout this term Mr Anoom – also known as Mr Numbervator –  will be working with some children in both 5 and 6 to help deepen their understanding of Maths.

In todays assembly ten children were selected to represent different digits (0-9), they had to move around to represent the digits used in the 9 times table. We then selected seven children at random and had to make the biggest number possible out of them.


Year 6 Orienteering September 2019