
Science Curriculum Intent

Science Curriculum LTP

Aims and Objectives:

Science at St John and St James aims to teach our children the skills, knowledge and understanding they need to question and understand concepts that occur in the world around them and equips them with the motivation to seek explanations for these. Children learn the skills required for scientific enquiry and they will begin to appreciate the way science will affect their future on a personal, national and global level.

The aims of science are to enable children to:

  • Ask and answer scientific questions.
  • Plan and carry out fair scientific investigations, using equipment.
  • Know and understand the life processes of living things including evolution.
  • Know and understand the physical processes of materials, electricity, light, sound and natural forces.
  • Know about materials and their properties.
  • Evaluate evidence and present their conclusions clearly and accurately.

Click on the titles below to expand each section.

Year 3 – Light Show 

During their unit on Light Year 3 had the opportunity to make their own shadow show.


Robot Day – Oct 2019

On Friday 11th October Hailey, Burchin and Victor from Year 5 attended the ELC Robot’s Day at St Monica’s School.

During the day they had the opportunity to interact with other schools and build Robot’s using the Lego WeDo technology. Using different code they had to input the information into the system in order to make the robot move.

“We liked that we got to programme the robots” Victor

“We had to use different programmes to make the robots move” Hailey

“I really enjoyed making the different robots” Burchin

Dome Day – Summer 2019

Along with other schools in the ELC, St John and St James went to Highfields Primary School to make Domes. This helped us build our communication skills aswell as STEM skills.


Science Museum – Year 4

Friday 21st June, Year 4 went to the Science Museum! As part of our unit of Electricity, we got to explore the Wonderlab. It was full of fantastic experiments that we could complete by ourselves. We used pulleys to move ourselves up and down, like a lift. We completed electrical circuits and got to test them to see if they worked. We also got to experiment on three different slides to see which one had the least friction- meaning we could move quicker! It was a fantastic day out and we know it will really help us with our learning.