
Writing Curriculum Intent

At St John & St James Primary School, we recognise that literacy and communication are key life skills and that through the English curriculum we support children to develop the skills and knowledge that will enable them to communicate effectively and creatively, through spoken and written language. We aim to provide a rich and stimulating environment, where speaking and listening, reading and writing are an integral part of everything we do in order to foster a love of reading, writing and drama.

We are currently in the process of redesigning our writing curriculum, using the CLPE Power of Reading teaching sequences. These provide ‘ideas, inspiration and structure’ for our lessons, ‘raising literacy standards and developing a love of reading and writing’ whilst being matched to National Curriculum expectations. The teaching sequences use high-quality texts across a range of text types and genres: picture books, chapter books, graphic novels, traditional tales (including those from around the world), non-fiction texts, and many others. Pupils become immersed into the world of the stories, engaging in drama, art and speaking and listening activities to prepare them to write. This gives them the knowledge and inspiration to write, as well as providing an inclusive curriculum for our pupils who have barriers to learning. 

Each unit of work is centred around a book. Have a look below to see what we are currently working on in our writing lessons.