Modern Foreign Language (MFL)
Welcome to the French section of our school website.
‘I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full’.
1 John 10 verse 10
Since September 2014, the new National Curriculum has made learning a language compulsory in Key Stage 2. We teach French in year groups 3 to 6 and children have one lesson each week. We are part of the Primary Languages Network and they support us to teach in a lively, engaging and memorable way.
Below you can see the expected progress in the four core skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) in language learning.
As a result of lost learning time during the Pandemic, we have made some adjustments to the planning this academic year. Year 3 are studying content across Stage 1, Year 4 are studying content across Stage 2 and Year 5 and 6 are studying content at the Stage 3 level.