
If you would like your child to join our school, please contact the London Borough of Enfield admissions at:

The governing Body is responsible for the admission of pupils to St John and St James Church of England School and admits pupils from Nursery to Year 6 each September, and as in year transfers.  This admission limit of 60 students per year group has been agreed between the Governing Body and the Local Authority. 

St John & St James is an Inclusive school that welcomes children of Christian families, other faiths and none. The Governing Body and the school are proud of the Christian values and ethos of our school and hope that parents choosing to send their children to St John & St James will embrace and participate in the Christian traditions of the school. It is hoped that parents will be in sympathy with the Religious Education and Christian worship of the school  which reflects the practice of the Church of England) as it permeates all the work and influences the attitudes and relationships of everyone within the school.

When there are more applications than there are places available, the governors will admit pupils according to the Admissions Policy.


Unsuccessful applicants may appeal against a decision regarding entry of a child who would be at least five years old within six months of the date of admission to the school.

The Governors wish to deal with appeals on a personal conciliatory basis in the first instance, though any unsuccessful applicant may choose to opt for a formal hearing. A request for reconsideration of the refusal should be presented in writing to the chair of Governors.

Should parents wish to seek a formal hearing of their appeal, this should be presented in writing to the Clerk of Appeals Committee c/o the School within fourteen days of receipt of the decision, 17th May 2023,  to refuse a place. The appeal would be heard by an independent Appeals Committee and appellants would have an opportunity to represent their case in writing or in person.  All appeals received by 17 May 2023 will be heard between 22 June to 16 July 2023.     Details of the date, time and place would be sent to parents giving at least twenty one day’s notice from the time of posting to the date of the Appeals Committee Hearing, unless they consent in writing to shorter period of notice.

As a result of any Appeals Committee Hearing, decisions will be sent to parents or carers, within 5 days of the hearing date.

Appeals lodged after 17th May 2023 will be heard within 40 school days of the appeal deadline or 30 school days of the appeal being received, whichever is the later date.


From time to time parents, and other connected with the school, may become aware of matters which cause them concern. To encourage resolution of such situations the Governing Body has adopted a ‘ General Complaints Procedure’.

The procedure is devised with the intention that it will:

• Usually be possible to resolve problems by informal means

• Be simple to use and understand

• Be non-adversarial

• Provide confidentiality

• Allow problems to be handled swiftly

• Address all the points at issue

• Inform future practice so that the problem is unlike to recur.

The governors have adopted the LDBS Complaints policy. Full details of the procedure may be obtained from the School Office or from the Clerk to the Governing Body.


Parents must complete a school nursery application from by the end of March in the year their child is due to start nursery.

Parents wishing to apply for a Reception class place (the school year your child will be 5) must complete a London Borough of Enfield application form and also a St John & St James supplementary application form by the end of January. You can obtain both their form from the School Office.

Mid year application forms can also be obtained from the School Office.

We welcome visits from prospective parents and ask that appointments are requested through the school office.

Provisional places will be decided by the admissions committee and parents will be notified by the end of the Spring Term.

Unsuccessful applicants may appeal against the decision as outlined previously.

This is a school where smile abound, where children are loved and cared for and where the distinctiveness and effectiveness as a church school has an excellent reputation in the community.” SIAMS, March 2011

Pupils understand the difference between right and wrong and adults praise them for their good behaviour and attitudes.”  SIAMS September 2014