School Uniform
Girls Uniform
- Grey tunic / skirt / trousers
- White long or short sleeved blouse
- School jumper / cardigan
- School tie
- Plain white socks or white, black or grey tights
- Black Shoes
- School fleece (optional)
During the summer, girls may also wear the following items:
- School dress, pink & white check
- White school polo shirt or open necked blouse
Boys Uniform
- Grey long or short trousers
- White long or short sleeved shirt
- School jumper
- School tie
- Plain grey or black socks
- Black Shoes
- School fleece (optional)
During the summer, children may also wear the following items:
- White school polo shirt
Games Uniform
- School PE top; maroon or gold
- School PE shorts, maroon
- School PE sweatshirt, maroon or gold (KS2) and Jogging Bottoms, black ( on top of shorts)
Please note your child must wear a tie at all times.However, during the summer, if your child wears an open necked blouse or a white school polo shirt they do not have to wear a tie. Trainers are not allowed at any time.
Should your child come to school without the correct uniform, a letter will be sent home informing you of any unsuitable clothing or footwear.