
Playing in the rain

We love playing outside in the rain. We wear boots so we can jump in puddles. We wear a waterproof jacket and trousers so we stay dry.

We have lots of fun!

Writing our names

We have been working really hard in Nursery to write our names.

Snail Day

Nursery had a snail day. Mrs Tomioka found lots of snails in her garden and brought them into Nursery. We used the magnifying glasses to look at them carefully.  We watched them move.

We had a go at drawing a snail with its shell.

Bible Stories

The children in Nursery have been listening to the story from the Bible about Mr Noah.

Mr Noah listened to God and we try to do good listening too. The rainbow helps us remember how much God loves us all.

We did an experiment to make a rainb​ow. We drew some rainbows. We love rainbows!

Fire Engine

The Nursery children were so excited to see the fire engine outside of school. They drew some pictures of the fire engine.

Click on the link below for this terms choice homework.

Nursery – Autumn 1- Choice Homework

Home Learning – School Closure

As we are using the internet even more to access our learning, we need to make sure we are following the online safety guidance. Make sure you take the time to read the information below.

Safe Internet Use Summary Sheet

W/C 29th June 2020
All resources

Nursery wk 5

wk 5 29.6.20 (1)


W/C 22nd June 2020
All resources

Nursery wk 4

Wk 4 22.6.20


W/C 15th June 2020
All resources

Nursery wk 3 (1)

Wk 3 15.6.20 (1)


W/C 8th June 2020
All resources

Nursery wk 2

Wk 2 8.6.20


W/C 1st June 2020
All resources

Nursery wk 1 (1)

wk 1 1.6.20 final (1)


W/C 18th May 2020
All resources

Nursery wk 7

18.5.20 final


W/C 11th May 2020
All resources


11.5.20 final pack


W/C 4th May 2020
All resources

Home Learning Pack

Nursery Week 5


W/C 27th April 2020
All resources Nursery Home Learning


W/C 20th April 2020
All resources Nursery Home Learning


W/C 30th March 2020
All resources Nursery wk 2 (1)

Autumn 2019

Nursery Homework – Autumn 1

Nursery Homework – Autumn 2

‘Thank you for the wonderful toys that have been kindly donated. The children in Nursery are really enjoying playing with them’








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