

The school follows the Code of Practice from the Department for Education (DfE). This school follows guidance on SEND as laid down in this code of practice and, with the Governors have agreed a SEND policy.

A child has special educational needs if s/he has difficulty in any of the following areas:

  • Communication and interaction
  • Cognition and learning
  • Behaviour, emotional and social development
  • Sensory and/or physical needs

As a school we are committed to early identification and intervention to ensure all children have full access to an appropriate curriculum. At all stages parents/carers are informed and involved and the school works closely with external support services.

Download Myth Buster Information from Enfield – The Children & Families Act 2014 The Special Educational Needs and Disability Reforms. What you need to know

If you have any questions relating to your child or the Special Educational Needs provision offered at St John and St James, please call the school office on 0208 807 2578 and make an appointment with the SENCO, Sarah James.  Alternatively you can email us at SENCO@stjohnandjames.enfield.sch.uk


As a school we are committed to early intervention to ensure all children have full access to our curriculum. Provision for children for whom English is not their first language is provided either as individuals or in small groups.


 It is everyone’s responsibility in our school and community to ensure that all our children are protected from abuse whether physical, emotional or sexual or neglect from either members of their family or people they know and trust.

Schools are under a legal duty to look out for signs of abuse in children and to report any cases of suspected abuse to Social Services, who will then carry out any necessary investigation. Guidelines for schools in carrying out this duty are contained in the Local Authority’s Child Protection Handbook.

Schools are also legally required to provide relevant information on children to Social Services as part of any investigation and to share information at multi-agency child protection case conferences, to which parents are usually invited. Whilst schools aim to work in partnership with parents, in relation to child abuse, the welfare of the child and their safety and protection is the over-riding consideration for schools at all times.

“Through a strong pastoral care system, the leaders have ensured that all children, including the most vulnerable, quickly settle well into school life.”  Ofsted, Feb 2013